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Our investigation methods are detailed and precise, and are based on the latest industry recommendations and standards. We’re constantly adapting to the changing nature of our industry and strive to provide the most cutting edge technologies and systems available to uncover the facts and provide the truth for our clients.


We offer a complete approach to fire and explosion investigation, servicing our clients with everything from primary investigations to giving expert courtroom testimony. There’s no job too big or small for us to handle, and we’re with you every step of the way.


Browse our services below to learn more about how we can assist you.

  • Primary Investigations
    In most circumstances, primary investigation is the best way to establish the origin, cause, spread and circumstances of a fire or explosion incident. Our onsite investigation methods are detailed and precise, and are based on the latest recommended methodology from NFPA 921 and other reputable sources. We use cutting edge technology and systems to uncover the facts for our clients, avoiding out-dated techniques still relied upon by some investigators. Primary investigations involve: A site visit to examine, record and interpret the physical damage Canvassing immediately available information Prompt production of a preliminary report or advice Subsequent collation and interpretation of witness reports and other documentary evidence Laboratory examination, analysis and interpretation of results as required Preparation of a comprehensive final report suitable for litigation. In the event that we are unable to attend a scene in person, we may be able to conduct a Remote Scene Assessment Service. Download the Remote Scene Assessment Service capabilities statement or contact us for more information.
  • Secondary Investigations and & Reviews
    On many occasions the scene of the incident is no longer available for examination when disputes over the circumstances first become apparent, or clarification is needed. We conduct secondary investigations by critically reviewing previous investigation reports, photographs, video records, witness statements and other material. Additional research, modelling or reconstruction is often required to gain a complete understanding of the scene. In these cases we can assist with: Conducting a technical assessment of all evidence, including documents, photographs, eye witness reports, and analytical evidence Ascertaining and evaluating potential alternative causes or mechanisms Mathematical and physical modelling Combustion and viability testing Providing guidance on the technical basis and application of specific standards and legislation.
  • Expert Advice & Evidence
    We offer a complete approach to fire and explosion investigation, servicing our clients with everything from primary investigations to appearances as expert witnesses in courts and tribunals. We will provide you with the expert help you require in interview question planning, mediation and arbitration, and full litigation. Our investigators have the qualifications and expertise to give expert witness evidence in court. This service includes: Technical assistance during interviews Preparation of question plans and strategies to assist the non-specialist investigative interviewer Conferences with legal representatives Comments on fire and arson behaviour Advice in-person during court hearings Presentation of expert evidence.
  • Reports & Ouputs
    Our professional and prompt system of reporting and recommendations sets us apart in the industry. We tailor our reports and recommendations to your specific requirements at every stage, and ensure they are written in language that is comprehensive yet easy to understand for our vast range of clients. Reports and outputs include: Verbal advice to clients/lawyers Summary report for internal use by clients Comprehensive report for litigation Expert testimony Root cause analysis Other recommendations.
  • Training & Education
    We provide a wide range of theory and practical inputs that can be tailored to suit your needs. We cover all aspects of fire and explosion investigation, from basic awareness to advanced levels, including theory and practical experience. Our instructors are all current practitioners, so you can be assured your staff or students will be trained in the most cutting edge technologies from globally-renowned professionals. Examples of our training and education options include: Crime scene examiners and corporate security Advanced modules for public and private sector specialists Arson awareness for management Heavy machinery Fire investigation methodology for insurance industry personnel Common fault and failure mechanisms. Many of our courses are delivered via Gardiner Associates partner program. We currently supply content, presentation and practical laboratory input to the Fire and Explosion Investigation module of the BSc and MSc Forensic Science programs at the University of Technology, Sydney. Our Managing Director/Senior Investigator Belinda Jane Jones (BJ) is also a subject coordinator for the fire investigation graduate certificate at Charles Sturt University. Please Contact Us to discuss your requirements.
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