A house fire resulted in the devastating death of a resident of the home.
The Origin
The house was a single-level property, on a sloping block and a
large rear yard at the back. It was a complex scenario, with the
insured surviving the fire, however, his wife was trapped and sadly
passed away. The scene was quite confronting, with clear burn
patterns around the kitchen doorway, indicating that that was
where the insured’s wife was positioned at her time of death during
the fire.
Dealing with the immense damage to the building, and the highly
sensitive nature of the fire was definitely a difficult task for Fire
Forensics investigators, with the insured and the family returning to
the property during the investigation.
The lounge room was the area of origin for the fire and was completely
destroyed from floor to ceiling, with all walls, ceiling, roof cavity and
roof structures collapsing to the floor. All items within the lounge room
were severely fire damaged.
Our Findings
The information Fire Forensics received was that the insured’s wife was a
smoker, and was smoking at the time, whilst also receiving oxygen through
a tube, from an oxygen concentrator. The most likely scenario is that she
was smoking, and because she had pure oxygen coming out of the tube,
there was an oxygen rich environment surrounding her, causing her cigarette
to ignite, which then quickly spread to the upholstery of the couch and her